Jekyll Blog Tips

This site that you’re reading now is generated by Jekyll and hosted on GitHub Pages. Originally when I set this site up, GitHub Pages only supported their own limited set of plugins, and if you wanted to do anything extra you had to generate the HTML content yourself. In the interim, you can now write a custom GitHub Action that builds the site, allowing you to run arbitrary code during generation.

In an effort to keep things simple and avoiding the temptation to write my own site generator, I have stuck with the basic deploy-on-push system with the standard set of plugins. This has worked fairly well, and the downsides are fairly minor—for example the version of the Rogue syntax highlighter that is used is a few years old and doesn’t know about Swift’s async or await keywords. This is not an issue unless you write a long blog post about concurrency.

I have of course worked out a variety of ways to maximise my use of this constrained environment.

Default Post Attributes

Jekyll allows you to specify the default front matter attributes in the config file. Previously whenever I would read these attributes in a template I would check if they were empty, and put the default right there in the template. Being able to configure a default makes this much easier. The defaults set the layout and OpenGraph metadata.

404 Page

Originally GH Pages didn’t support a custom 404 page (instead just delivering a generic one common to all sites) but you can now create a file and tell people they’re looking for something that doesn’t exist. This is what mine looks like.

Make The Most of Layouts and Includes

There are four places that posts can appear on the website; the actual post page, the index page, and the two feeds (RSS and JSON). I’m sad to say that despite Liquid supporting re-using files, I just copy-pasted the content of the post header between the index page and the post layout. There were definitely a few times where I was making edits to one and getting confused why I didn’t see any changes to the site.

What I do now is much better, I have a template in _includes for the HTML version of the post that has the styled title and post metadata. This is used on the homepage and individual post pages. The post page is a custom layout that adds a footer that I only want when viewing a single post. The two feeds use a separate template that omits the header (since RSS readers will make a header themselves) but adds a small footer that isn’t present on the HTML version.

The trick with getting this to work was that Jekyll stores the post information in different variables depending on whether you were rendering a page or a single post. A layout uses {{ content }} to inject the content of the page, but in the index page you’ve got multiple posts, each with their own content that’s accessed with {{ post.content }}. I don’t think you can pass variables to templates, but variables in Liquid templates are seemingly all global anyway, so you can just assign to post and use that in the layout. Now anywhere I need to include a post is just:

# index.html
{% for post in paginator.posts %}
  {% include post.html %}
{% endfor %}

# _layouts/post.html
{% assign post=page %}
{% include post.html %}

Data in _config.yml

The content of _config.yml is basically mapped directly to the site object, so you can define additional configuration knobs instead of setting them multiple times across the site. I use this to define a single date format that is used wherever a human-readable date is shown. I set date_format: "%B %-d, %Y" in the config and whenever I show a date I can access that format: {{ | date: site.date_format }}.

I also use this for some common URLs—not because I’m likely to change them, but to avoid me mistyping them. Or you can dump data directly from the config file into a page, as I did with the webfinger Mastodon trick earlier this year.

Jekyll Admin

Jekyll Admin is a web UI that allows you to edit posts and pages, as well as upload files. Since I write on my laptop but run the Jekyll dev server on my home server, this avoids some awkward scp-ing by allowing me to just paste my posts into a webform.

The killer feature would be for it to have a basic Git integration, so you could commit changes and push them to a remote right from the admin interface. Alas the project isn’t there yet.

I don’t know if it’s a problem with the version of Jekyll that I run (I use locally whatever version GH Pages is using for consistency) but the admin interface shows constant errors when you save a post—despite it never actually failing to do anything. It’s still more convenient than scp, but definitely doesn’t inspire confidence.

Adding this very post to Jekyll Admin showed an error banner that said “Error: Could not update the doc”. The doc had updated without any problems.

Development-Only Content

Liquid has conditional expressions, and Jekyll has jekyll.environment. Smash these two together and you can add extra information that you only want visible when you run the website locally. For example I have a link to Jekyll Admin show as an additional link in the status bar, and every post has an “Edit” link that takes me directly to the Jekyll Admin edit interface for that post. Since the site is statically generated, that information obviously not just hidden on the real site—it’s completely gone.

A Jekyll issue that’s made worse with Jekyll Admin is the handling of the site URL. If you want to listen on all interfaces—because you’re developing in a container or running the Jekyll dev server on a different machine than the one you want to view the website on—then you set host: 0 either in _config.yml or via command-line arguments. The problem is that this overrides site.url, so any absolute URL will be http://0:80/my_url which is meaningless. Jekyll doesn’t allow you to set the host without overriding the site URL, and Jekyll admin generates a bunch of these URLs that don’t work properly.

Run it in a Container

My website was actually one of the first things that I containerised and saw a real benefit. Even though Ruby environment management is a pretty well-trodden area, I still would run into dependency issues from time to time. Now I can simply just pod run and have the server running with basically no effort. Ideally I would use the exact same image GH Pages uses to build the site, but I haven’t set that up yet and to be honest the benefits are probably fairly academic.

Jekyll supports passing a second config file that is merged with the first, which I use to only load the jekyll-admin plugin in development—and avoid any warnings from GH Pages that it isn’t supported.

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