Simple Home Server Monitoring with Prometheus in Podman

The next step in my containerising journey is setting up Prometheus monitoring. I’m not going to use this for alerts or anything fancy yet, just to collect data and see what the load and health of my server is and be able to track trends over time. In doing this I wanted:

  • I don’t want to edit a central YAML file when I start a new service
  • Key container metrics (CPU/memory/etc) should be monitored automatically
  • Prometheus itself should run in a container

There are plenty of existing posts on setting up Prometheus in a container, so I’ll keep this short. I used pod to configure the containers:

    name: prometheus
    network: prometheus
      prometheus_data: /prometheus
      ./prometheus.yaml: /etc/prometheus/prometheus.yml
      9090: 9090
    labels: prometheus:9090

    name: podman-exporter
      /run/user/1000/podman/podman.sock: /var/run/podman/podman.sock,ro
      CONTAINER_HOST: unix:///var/run/podman/podman.sock
      userns: keep-id
    network: prometheus
    labels: podman-exporter:9882

    name: prometheus_speedtest
    network: prometheus
    labels: prometheus_speedtest:9516
        __scrape_interval__: 30m
        __scrape_timeout__: 2m
        __metrics_path__: /probe

prometheus contains the actual Prometheus application, which has its data stored in a volume. podman-exporter exports Podman container metrics, accessed by mounting in the Podman socket.1 speedtest isn’t essential, but I was curious to see whether I had any variations in my home internet speed, and running one more container wasn’t difficult. This also forced me to work out how to customise the scraping of jobs configured via Prometheus HTTP service discovery.

To meet my first requirement of having no global config, I needed to setup some kind of automatic service discovery system. Prometheus supports fetching targets via an HTTP API—all you have to do is return back a list of jobs to scrape in a basic JSON format. Since I already run a container that shows a status page for my containers (more on that another time, perhaps) I have an easy place to add this endpoint. You just need to add the endpoint into your prometheus.yaml config file once:

  - job_name: endash
    - url: http://my_status_page:1234/http_sd_endpoint

That endpoint returns some JSON that looks like this:

    "targets": ["prometheus:9090"],
    "labels": {
      "host": "Steve",
      "job": "prometheus",
      "container_id": "4a98073041d6b"
    "targets": ["prometheus_speedtest:9516"],
    "labels": {
      "host": "Steve",
      "job": "prometheus_speedtest",
      "container_id": "db95c10b425cc",
      "__scrape_interval__": "30m",
      "__scrape_timeout__": "2m",
      "__metrics_path__": "/probe"

targets is a list of instances to scrape for a particular job (each container is one job, so only one target in the list). labels defines additional labels added to those jobs. You can use this to override the job name (otherwise it’ll unhelpfully be the name of the HTTP SD config, in my case endash) and set some of the scrape config values, if the target should be scraped on a different schedule.

My status dashboard has an endpoint that will look at all running containers and return an SD response based on the container labels. This allows me to define the monitoring config in the same place I define the container itself, rather than in some centralised Prometheus config. You can see in my pods.yaml file (above) that I use and prometheus.labels to make a container known to Prometheus as a job.

The thing that really makes this all work is Podman networks. The easiest way to get Prometheus running is to run it on the host network, so that it doesn’t run in its own containerised network namespace. So when it scrapes some port on localhost that’s the host localhost, not the container localhost. This works reasonably well if all your containers publish a port on the host. This is definitely an acceptable way of setting things up, but I wanted to be able to run containers without published ports and still monitor them.

You can do this by creating a Podman network and attaching any monitor-able containers to it, so that they are accessible via their container names:

> podman network create prometheus
> podman run -d --network prometheus --name network-test alpine:latest top
> podman run -it --network prometheus alpine:latest
$ ping network-test
PING network-test ( 56 data bytes
64 bytes from seq=0 ttl=42 time=0.135 ms
64 bytes from seq=1 ttl=42 time=0.095 ms

I’m running top in the network-test container just to keep it running in the background for this example. If you ran a shell, it would exit immediately since there is no input connected.

The one wrinkle of using a Podman network is that it makes accessing non-container jobs more difficult. I wanted to setup node_exporter to keep track of system-level metrics, and it can’t run in a container as it needs full system access (or at least, it doesn’t make sense to run in a container). Thankfully this ended up being super easy, I can just install node_exporter via apt:

$ sudo apt install prometheus-node-exporter

Which will automatically start a service running in the background and serving metrics on localhost:9100/metrics. To access this from our Prometheus container, you can just use the magic hostname host.containers.internal, which resolves to the current host. For example:

> podman run -it alpine:latest
$ ask add curl
$ curl host.containers.internal:9100/metrics
... a whole bunch of metrics

So I have to add one static config into my prometheus.yaml file:

  - job_name: steve
      - targets: ['host.containers.internal:9100']

So now I’ve got a fully containerised, automatic monitoring system for anything running on my home server. Any new containers will get picked up by podman-exporter, and get their resource usage recorded automatically. If I integrate a Prometheus client library and export metrics, then I can just add monitoring config to the pods.yaml file for that project, and have my service discovery system pick it up and have it scraped automatically.

I’ve added a lot of functionality to pod since I first wrote about it, I’m aiming to get it cleaned up and documented better soon.

  1. This obviously gives the exporter full access to do anything to any container, so you’ve just kinda got to trust it’s doing the right thing. 

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